STEM Impact Program (SIP)
The STEM Impact Program (SIP) is a free resource for early-stage STEM nonprofits in the United States who need help with a small-scale planning or program evaluation project (e.g., identifying gaps between data and processes, answering questions about your work, building a logic model, conducting a needs assessment, building a survey, etc.).
The application period is currently closed.
Stay tuned for information about our next program. Subscribe to our newsletter to be among the first to know when our application opens.
About the STEM Impact Program (SIP)
What is program evaluation?
Program evaluation is “the systematic collection of information about the activities, characteristics, and outcomes of programs to make judgments about the program, improve program effectiveness, and/or inform decisions about future program development” (Michael Quinn Patton). Many organizations use program evaluation to assess and communicate the impacts of their work, including nonprofit organizations, universities, cultural institutions, and more. Program evaluation is often required for federal grant funding and can be a valuable practice to incorporate into your work early on.
Why is this important/needed?
Early-stage nonprofits often face a “chicken or the egg” problem with securing funding. Funding organizations typically ask for nonprofits to develop certain tools (such as program models, logic models, evaluation reports, etc.) before seeking their support. However, for most organizations, external funding is crucial to developing these tools with outside consultants or other experts. This is where we step in. We’re addressing this problem by offering early-stage nonprofits help to step onto the first rung of the ladder.
Who is eligible to apply?
Early-stage STEM nonprofits are encouraged to apply. Eligible organizations will have 501(c)(3) certification and will be within their first four years of incorporation. Organizations must have a small-scale evaluation or planning project (like identifying gaps between data and processes, answering questions about your work, building a logic model, conducting a needs assessment, building a survey, etc.) identified.
Improved Insights is committed to STEM equity. The STEM Impact Program aims to prioritize groups identifying with women, non-binary folks, people with disabilities, and people identifying as African American/Black, Hispanic/Latino/a/e, and Indigenous/Native American, who have been historically marginalized in STEM fields in the United States. While we encourage any interested STEM nonprofits to apply, SIP aims to prioritize organizations run by, or serving populations, who identify with these groups.
What does the program look like?
Admittance into SIP will give organizations several hours of free consulting and collaboration services with STEM evaluation experts. We will support you in designing a framework or tool, conducting training sessions with your staff, or helping you create materials that showcase the impacts of your work.
Some of our collaboration will take place online together, some will occur via asynchronous training sessions, and some may be assigned to the partner organization as “homework” which they can complete with the help of their colleagues.
In total, participating organizations can expect to commit roughly 10 hours to SIP, over the six-week program.
How do I apply?
The 2022 program application period closed on July 15, 2022. Applications will be reviewed the following week and applicants will be notified of the decisions by July 29, 2022.
If you have any questions or concerns about your application, please contact us.
What is Improved Insights?
Improved Insights is an evaluation firm specializing in STEM education. We provide evaluation, planning, and capacity-building services to organizations who wish to better understand the impacts of their programs, identify critical areas of improvement, and communicate the value of their work to stakeholders.
We’ve worked with internationally renowned STEM organizations, such as universities, nonprofits, K-12 schools, and others who wish to better assess and communicate the impacts of their work.
Former STEM Impact Program (SIP) Clients
We are proud to partner with BridgeYear, Eco.Logic, MillennialScnce, and My Sister’s Keeper Success Institute, Inc. We encourage you to learn more about their important work below.
BridgeYear is a non-profit organization whose mission is to help connect underserved youth to career and educational opportunities that provide economic stability and independence. We fundamentally believe there is no “one size fits all” approach to education and that multiple options must be made available for students to make informed decisions about their futures. There are many paths to success, we help students discover them.
Eco.Logic is an education, arts, and community building non-profit that inspires people to take tangible action to address climate change. Through an inclusive and intersectional approach, we make environmental education accessible and personal, inspiring people to join the environmental movement in ways unique to them.
Millennial Scnce provides quality STEM programs & academic support for homeless youth. Working with students in grades 2-12, we partner with transitional housing facilities to aid children with free interactive STEM programs and one-on-one mentoring.
My Sister’s Keeper Success Institute, Inc. (MSKSI) is a nonprofit 501 c (3) youth development program that began in 2018 and promotes gender, racial and educational equity to ensure Black Indigenous People Of Color (BIPOC) girls have the same opportunities to learn, prosper and succeed through the power of mentoring. MSKSI began with these young women in mind before the racial justice movement ignited in communities across the country propelled teachers to think about ways to better support students of color. MSKSI offers solutions to create alternative futures for young women who are currently the most disadvantaged because of skills, access, and opportunity gaps through the power of mentoring.